Sunday, April 3, 2011

Washington and Oregon Coastline

Hi my name is Margaret and i live in Washington. Today i took a couple of friends out to explore the coastline of Washington and Oregon. We drove through Bellevue, Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland. Through there we went to the west and came to the coastline along the sides of Washington and Oregon. Here lies the Juan de Fuca plate named after a famous explorer, who noticed submerged volcanoes under the North American Coastline. This plate has been known to have caused many earthquakes and was said to have caused a tsunami in Japan during the 1700's. We walked along the beach. It was very exciting for my friends to see this since they lived in Armenia which didn't have very many cold beaches like this one. It was very windy and the water was ice cold. There was seaweed washed upon the whole shore, and we saw many dead ocean creatures. We collected many shells, and then went and ate at Crab Pot in Seattle to finish our sea exploration.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Margaret!!
    So I was wondering where in the world is Armenia and what is it like there?
    Also did you see any live ocean creatures or just dead ones? Because if you only saw a bunch of dead sea creatures then we really need to take better care of our oceans and seas!
    Oh and did your friends like the Crab Pot? How is it? I've never been there so I was just wondering if you would recommend it as a good place to eat?
    Anyways, I can't wait to read more! Keep posting!!
