Monday, April 11, 2011

Himalaya range in India

Today me and my Armenian comrades visited the Himalayas in India. We took a long plane ride to India, and it was truly spectacular but very tiring. The view above is what the Himalayan Range in India looks like from a persons point of view from a far distance. The Himalayan Range in India is the formation of the convergent zone between two plate called the Indo-Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. As i stated earlier a convergent boundary is when one plate goes under or above the other plate. In this case the Indo-Australian plate goes over the Eurasian plate. Over time it gradually raises higher which makes the Himalayas rise 5 mm per year.
In the Himalayas we visited a typical Bhuddist prayer zone which they have there. We payed respect to the gods and snapped many amazing photos.
Anyway feel free to leave comments

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